TTT Chapter EWThe Mount Vernon/Lisbon TTT Chapter met Oct. 11 at the home of Karen Martin. President Karen Martin called the meeting to order with nine members present. The chapter’s annual holiday green sales is underway with delivery of greens the week of Nov. 18. Discussion was had regarding recruitment of camp girls from both Lisbon and Mount Vernon schools with help from the school nurses, teachers and secretaries. New officers were installed for the coming year. The chapter will be welcoming two new members this fall. The next chapter meeting will be held Nov. 8.
Mount Vernon Trailblazers 4H The September meeting of the Mount Vernon Trailblazers was held on Sunday, September 10th at the Mount Vernon Fire Station.
JD Otterbein, Linn County Youth Coordinator for Linn County Extension, came to the meeting to present a community service project that the club may be interested in doing. A service project of painting at the Linn County Fairgrounds was proposed.
A Community service project report was given that some club members joined the Barnyard Buddies 4-H club to pick pumpkins at Kroul Farms this past month.
Rachel Francois reported that her, Owen Francois, Brad Stoner and Skylar Stoner attended the Linn Township meeting to discuss a cemetery project, where the idea was well received. There will be plastic plaques replacing the metal ones, which were stolen, to mark veteran’s headstones. The club will be decorating at 3 cemeteries for Veterans Day.
The club held the election for 2022 officers. The new officers are: President — Claire Gaffney, Vice President — Natalie Clark, Secretary — Miles Francois, Treasurer — Caleb Keegan, Historian — Madie Boren, and Reporter — Andrew Dix.
Claire Gaffney reported that the Linn County Youth Council retreat was moved to the Center Point Community Center, will be held on October 22-23, and that all highschool students are welcome to attend.
The 4H pledge was led by Lilly Cook and the meeting was adjourned.
Andrew Dix, club reporter.
Mount Vernon
Lions Club The Mount Vernon Lions Club met Monday, October 11, at Gwen’s Restaurant in Lisbon. There was no program for the evening but several activities were discussed, including an affirmative vote for the local club to become one of the Lions Club International “model” clubs, and an update on the upcoming sight screening at Mount Vernon Elementary School, which is performed by club members.
The next Lions club meeting with be October 25, when Craig Smith will have the program.
Club notes
October 21, 2021