Mount Vernon Trailblazers
4-H ClubThe September meeting of the Mount Vernon Trailblazers was held Sunday, September 12, at the Mount Vernon Fire Station. Addie Francois led the Pledge of Allegiance and Tucker Hotz was introduced as a guest by his sister Lilly Hotz.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with no discussion.
Treasurer Libby Dix reported the club’s current balance. No bills were brought before the club.
Maddie Boren and Rachel Francois reported for the 2021 Fair Booth. The club won the champion booth at the 2021 Linn County 4H Fair.
The club reviewed the bylaws and noted what officer’s jobs are described in the bylaws. Next meeting, the club will be voting for new officers.
Claire Gaffney reported that the Youth Council is open for current freshman-seniors in 4H. The YC will be hosting their fall retreat at the Howard H. Cherry Scout Reservation on Oct. 23rd as an overnight camp. High School club members were invited to attend if interested. The Youth Council also is adding to their menu for the food stand at the 2022 county fair, members were asked to message Claire if they have recommendations.
Brad Stoner reported that 2021 record books are due Sep. 15 to the extension office.
Lillian Hotz led the 4H Pledge. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting will be October 10 at the Mount Vernon Fire Station at 4 p.m. The Grenis family will host.
Submitted by Andrew Dix, Club Reporter
Club notes
September 30, 2021