Every five years, Cole Public Library sends out a survey to Mount Vernon community members to ask questions about library use and non-use.
When you opened your fall city newsletter a library survey was included in the envelope. Please take a moment and fill out the questionnaire. It will only take a few minutes of your time. You can return the survey to the library circulation desk, in the library drop boxes or mail it in using the address on the back of the survey.
If you would prefer to fill out the survey online that is fine too. The link is https://forms.gle/ev4qHM3Ar2dxbi4E6. Why is this survey important? It helps us to know who is using the library and what resources they find helpful. It also helps us to know who is not using the library, why not, and if we can provide services to bring them in.
The survey helps the Public Library Board of Trustees and Library Director to set goals and write a Five Year Plan. Several changes were made after the results of the 2015 survey were tabulated. Some changes include: no fines for overdue materials, the drop box was moved to be easier to use, increased our digital book offerings and expanded book delivery to include local daycares. These changes are a direct result of community input – your input for your library.
Cole Corner: Return your library survey
September 16, 2021