LHS auditions
Lisbon High School is holding auditions for the fall play, “Rehearsal for Murder” will be Sept. 7 and Sept. 9. It’s described as a thrilling theatrical mystery set during the first reading of a new play. Building tension and surprising revelations results and dazzling but logical twists results in a stunning conclusion.
‘Ugly Lies The Bone’staged for Mount Vernon HighMount Vernon High School will be performing “Ugly Lies the Bone” by Lindsey Ferrentino Friday, Sept. 10, and Saturday, Sept. 11. The curtains rise on the show each night at 7 p.m. at thee Mount Vernon Performing Arts Center with tickets costing $5.
Newly discharged soldier Jess has finally returned to her Florida hometown. She brings with her not only vivid memories of Afghanistan, but painful burns that have left her physically and emotionally scarred.
Jess soon realizes that things at home have changed even more than she has. Through the use of virtual reality video game therapy, she builds a breathtaking new world where she can escape her pain. As Jess advances farther in the game, she begins to restore her relationships, her life, and, slowly, herself.
Lindsey Ferrentino’s transformative play was inspired by a real video game therapy called “Snow World,” being used to treat burn survivor veterans living in a state of perpetual pain.