Candidates for local office are able to start filing their nomination papers, as of Monday this week. The final deadline for nomination papers to be returned to be included on the ballot this fall is Thursday, Sept. 16.
Nomination papers need to be returned to the Linn County Auditor’s Office at the Jean Oxley Linn County Public Service Center in Cedar Rapids.
For those running for the City of Lisbon, the number of signatures required is 10. For those running for mayor or city council in Mount Vernon and the school board seats in Lisbon, the number of signatures needed is 25. For the Mount Vernon School Board, the number of signatures needed is 50.
Nomination papers must include a candidate’s name, office sought and the ward they’d
represent, the type and date of the election, the candidate’s home address and a signature, affirmation and notarization.
To run for office, a person must be a citizen of the United States, a resident of Iowa, be
18 years or older. Elected officials can’t be a convicted felon (unless their voting rights have been restored by the president, governor or executive order).
Open for this election this year are three seats on the Lisbon City Council, two seats on the Mount Vernon city council, the mayor’s office for the City of Mount Vernon, two seats on the Lisbon School Board and three seats on the Mount Vernon School board.
Lisbon city council member Stephanie Kamberling has stated she will not be running for her seat on the Lisbon council again. Current council member Tom Wieseler has announced he will be running for the mayor’s seat in Mount Vernon, as Jamie Hampton will be stepping down from the office this election. Lori Merlak has announced she will not be running for Mount Vernon School Board this school year. Long-time Lisbon School Board member David Prasil also announced he will be stepping down from the position this November.
The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 2.