The Lisbon School District transferred $27,371 from general funds to the activities fund to offset a negative balance that fund saw last year due to the pandemic.
Lisbon Schools business manager Laurie Maher noted that recently passed law is allowing districts to use general fund dollars to help pay for activities fund shortfalls due to COVID-19 pandemic’s loss of gate revenues last year.
The $27,371 amount accounted for the negative funds for all of Lisbon activities in the previous year.
Lisbon Schools activity director Eric Ries explained at July’s meeting that state tournament trips, increased fees for referees and officials at games and lower attendance at Lisbon’s activities last year brought many accounts to a negative for the season. The state trips and hotel stays for those events was a significant part of the activity fees last year.
The activity funds account for equipment for athletes, paying officials and entrance fees for many of the contests Lisbon extracurricular students are involved in.
Coaches salaries come from the general fund originally.
Maher said that with the number of outside groups who raise funds for athletics at Lisbon, the district may need to begin starting discussions on how the booster clubs can help on offsetting some of the costs for the state trips for Lisbon athletics in the future.
“Activity funds running into the negative wasn’t just because of COVID-19 last year,” Maher said. “It’s been an issue that has slowly been approaching the district for a number of years with fewer people at athletic events and not as many activity passes being sold and the additional cost for referees. This transfer brings all the accounts back to zero.”
Ries noted that there will most likely be a fundraiser to help bolster activity funds later this fall. Ries is looking to start a student activities advisory committee for the district and wants the members of that committee to help with the efforts on fundraising for the district and what those plans look like.
“One of the things I think should be explored is something like a meal before the fall play to help bolster the fine arts activities,” Ries said. “We could also look at doing a canvas of the town for donations to help support all activities at the area schools.”
Lisbon approves transfer from general funds to activity funds
August 19, 2021
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.