The speed limit has gone from 55 to 45 miles per hour along stretches of Business 30 and the police department may be giving people time to adapt to the slower speed limit.
New 45-mile-per-hour speed limit signs along Business 30 were installed on June 7, but the police will be issuing warnings rather than tickets for the first month.
Police chief Doug Shannon reminded citizens that even though the signs are up, enforcement on violations unless they are egregious will not begin until July 8.
“We’re already noticing that several of the vehicles we’ve been clocking have been closer to the 45 speed limit on those stretches of road already,” Shannon said.
Lisbon city administrator Brandon Siggins said that the city will be looking to add two more speed limit signs between Lisbon Schools and Gillette Lane to remind people of the new speed limit along that stretch of road, but that will wait until after road improvements are finished along Business 30.