The Pulitzer Prize winners, normally announced in April, have been chosen. This prestigious prize is not just for books but also for journalism. Joseph Pulitzer, who created the prize, was an influential journalist who encouraged excellence and sought to make journalism a university trained profession.
Winning book titles are:
• The Night Watchman, Louise Erdrich – fiction
• Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America, Marcia Chatelain – history
• The Dead are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X, Les and Tamara Payne – biography
• Wilmington’s Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy, David Zucchino – general nonfiction
• Postcolonial Love Poem, Natalie Diez — poetry
We have all of these winners and the finalists at Cole Library.
If you would like to know more about the award, the books (chosen and considered,) you can check it all out at
Cole Corner: Check out 2021 Pulitzer Prize winners
June 24, 2021