The Lisbon Chapter of the National Honor Society has had a busy spring, despite the cancellation of the annual senior citizens prom at the Rehabilitation Center of Lisbon due to COVID-19 safety issues.
The chapter has been hard at work reviving a guidance program called The Voice, where high school students visit elementary guidance classes to talk about making wise life decisions and how to deal with bullying. Lisbon’s NHS chapter broke into smaller groups and wrote their own lesson plans that were developmentally appropriate for their assigned grade level. The chapter would like to thank elementary counselor Nick Brown for inviting us into his classroom to present our lessons. The Voice gives our chapter a unique opportunity to positively impact young lives and set a good example for our elementary students.
The elementary fundraiser for the Day of Awesomeness gave our chapter another opportunity to connect with elementary-level students. Many NHS members volunteered to help out with the Day of Awesomeness activities, namely supervising students as they used the inflatable slides and games. With safety in mind, NHS chapter members helped students wait their turn and use the inflatables in a responsible manner.
The Lisbon chapter of the National Honor Society will be saying goodbye to the following seniors this year as they leave us to pursue their dreams:
Brynnley Baxa, Amayah Bergeson, Eliza Carter, Bryce Clausen, Stacia Hall, Jacqueline Juett, Kiah Kilburg, Maya Kohl, Keegan Meyer, Bella Roberts, Paige Roos, Cassandra Ross, Madison Schnipkoweit and Cole Townsend.
And lastly, congratulations to Ross and Kohl for being selected by the NHS juniors to receive the National Honor Society Leadership Award this year. This was presented at Senior Awards Night May 18.
Lisbon seniors Maya Kohl (left) and Kiah Kilburg present their Voice lesson to counselor Nick Brown’s class.